Special Resourced Provision

At Westlea Primary School there is a Special Resourced Provision (SRP) for children with an EHCP with physical disability as their primary need. Currently, there are 6 pupils in the SRP, from YR to Y6. Our SRP children are fully integrated into the mainstream school, attending lessons with their peers supported by one of our wonderful Learning Support Assistants.

SRP staff work with a team of professionals including Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language and the advisory teachers for children with physical disabilities, hearing impairment and for the use of assistive technology. This ensures that the children have all the equipment and adaptations needed to enable them to access the same educational offer as their peers. Our staff are also trained in Manual handling and in delivering personal care.

As well as ensuring our learners receive a broad and balanced curriculum, adapted to meet their needs, children are able to attend Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool for swimming sessions. Alongside adapted PE lessons, we also access sessions with Wiltshire Cricket and attend the Swindon Access days.

Admissions to the SRP

If you would like any further information please contact the school office.

Westlea cannot accept direct applications for places within the SRP – responsibility for placing and funding pupils lies with the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT) at the Local Authority.


Key Personnel

Co-Headteachers Mrs Ria Chitroda and Mrs Alex Moore
SENCo Ms Lucy Smith
Assistant SENCo Ms Bethanie Hanrahan

For SENCo related queries please contact senco@westlea.swindon.sch.uk


Previous SRP Audit Visits

Below, are the findings from some of the previous SRP audit visits:

  • the SRP represents good value for money
  • learners in the SRP experience a very inclusive model of provision and most make expected or better progress
  • the learners would not be well placed in the Borough’s special schools because, with appropriate support, they are able to access a mainstream curriculum
  • learners placed in the provision benefit from particular adjustments which would not be generally available in mainstream schools. They have access to an adapted curriculum when appropriate, for example, in PE
  • children in the provision benefit from the good role models, including good behaviours for learning, demonstrated by peers without special educational needs

Key Strengths of the SRP

  • The very inclusive ethos which has a positive impact on the whole school community and allows children in the SRP full access to mainstream schooling
  • Staff in the SRP are flexible in their approach, highly skilled and confident in their dealings with children in the SRP to support their complex needs. They have high expectations of what the children can achieve.

Quotes from parents of our SRP pupils


Thank you so much for making his start to school so welcoming and successful, we are very happy that we chose Westlea too, we couldn’t have hoped for a better start and for more enthusiastic and friendly staff.


As always when I speak to anyone they cannot praise you all enough for the work you do with him at Westlea and how you get the work just right for him. Thank you all, as always.


Pleased with what you are doing with him at school and feel that you structure his day really well, that is helping him a lot.


We absolutely love your school.